Verilux Happy Light Therapy Energy Lamp VT05FWW1 5000 LUX

Verilux Happy Light Therapy Energy Lamp VT05FWW1 5000 LUX Features

  • Combats sunlight deprivation associated with seasonal changes, shift work, and other disruptive factors
  • Safely simulates natural sunlight with 5,000 LUX of Natural Spectrum Daylight
  • Moderated output provides for quick light therapy sessions or all day use
  • Space-efficient tabletop design allows for easy, convenient placement
  • Most powerful, compact model available with energy efficient bulb that uses 36 Watts to produce 300 Watts of light

Verilux Happy Light Therapy Energy Lamp VT05FWW1 5000 LUX Detail 

Beat fatigue and the winter blues with the HappyLight 5000 Energy Lamp. Clinical and scientific studies show that decreased exposure to sunlight due to seasonal changes, shift work, travel, or other factors, can negatively affect your well-being. The HappyLight 5000 simulates healthy, natural light that cues your body's energy enhancers to improve mood and fight fatigue.

Customer Reviews on Verilux Happy Light Therapy Energy Lamp VT05FWW1 5000 LUX

1.0 out of 5 stars Poor Customer ServiceJanuary 20, 2014

I'm giving this product one star because it worked satisfactorily for a little over a year. The one-year warranty expired in October 2013, and my lamp quit working around Christmas, for no apparent reason (bulb appeared to be OK). To Verilux's credit, they said they'd honor the warranty and replace my lamp. I sent it back 3 weeks ago. When I called today, they said they'd probably have it processed in 2 weeks, and that I'd receive the new one 5-7 days after that. I was told that the usual turnaround time for warranty items is 4-6 weeks. That's not acceptable customer service! We're in the depth of the SAD season now, precisely when customers need their lamps. You know, if you make a product that customers depend on to help them get through the winter months, the smart thing to do is to get them back (either repaired or replaced) ASAP, not in 4-6 weeks. I am very disappointed with the way Verilux handles this critical part of their business.

4.0 out of 5 stars VERY bright light; may cause problems if used too earlyJanuary 10, 2014
Mr. Walker (Michigan)

I can't say I've been particularly "depressed"; however, this winter I finally thought about it some more, and noticed that most days I am tired at night, wake up tired, and drag through the day. I have tried a number of supplements to help with sleep, and even melatonin (because I thought maybe I didn't make enough?) but it makes me too hung over.

I read about 'sleep phase displacement' and how the lack of daylight can mess up your melatonin and serotonin production, etc. and figured I'd give a lamp like this a shot.

It is sharp looking and easy to use. I agree with another reviewer who said it is either BRIGHT... or VERY BRIGHT. I have only been using it in the mornings for 20-40 minutes while I try to wake up bleary eyed and have coffee, then later pack my lunch. I stand or lean about 2 ft. from it, or if I have time I sit near it. It seems bright enough for a spaceship medical bay.

At first I thought this light was helping me to wake up better. However, since it is VERY bright on the lower setting (blinding on the higher one), it can make you feel odd/overstimulated sometimes. I have been using it in the dark, prior to sunrise by a couple hours, while I eat & get ready. I think it is screwing up my sleep and day, because lately I am TIRED in the second half of the day (despite more time in bed and more regular bedtimes).

I am going to try only using it AFTER sunrise to give me some more light time, and see if my sleep and waking improve. If you are unsure about this one or the Compact Happy Light, the compact one is the same lumens as this lamp on "low" (and high is just too high for me), and it is nearly half the cost.

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent product for depression, the light therapy each day!December 23, 2013

Thank you, very very much! I am so very pleased that I picked that Verilux VT05FWW1 HAPPY Light Energy Lamp 5000! I use the lamp when I am able to, once every A.M. for 45 min. to an hour and it certainly does help with my depression. When I first started though, I tried the lamp for only a half an hour. Also, do not look directly into the light! Placed the lamp at an angle on my dining rm. table & did whatever I needed to do for the A.M., with the lamp placed several inches from my face like the directions mentioned in the pamphlet. "Aloha" and "Thank You", Verilux & Amazon!

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent solution to S.A.D.!December 9, 2013
D. Peri (Los Angeles/San Diego, CA USA)

I currently live in the northeast and originally from the sunny and warm climates of SoCal. This lamp has definitely changed the way I feel during these long, often dark, winter days. After a couple years of experiencing S.A.D. I decided to give the "happy light" a try and I love it. I have it on my desk in the office and turn it on for an hour on the high settling in the morning and for an hour in the afternoon on the low setting. It doesn't take up much space and has seen working great. My only suggestion is that you use as directed. I've found that too much exposure to it will change your sleep patterns, but other than that I give it 5 stars.

5.0 out of 5 stars Happy days are here againDecember 5, 2013
maximum verbosity (Ohio USA)

I picked this up today at a warehouse club because it had a great rebate and I noticed that I've been feeling really lethargic since the weather turned cold. I live in a midwestern state that spends most of the winter under gray clouds.

I had a wake-up light by Philips but the bulb burned out and it apparently can't be changed. So an $80 lamp that lasts a year. No bueno.

I liked this light immediately after changing the screen from the bluish tinged to the "high energy" one. It has two settings - bright and REALLY bright. It really does feel like I'm sitting outside on a sunny day, except without the bugs, the sunburn and the guilt while looking around at all of the unattended gardening. I woke up feeling SO tired and weak, like I couldn't even hold my toothbrush. I turned this on and sat in front of it for 45 minutes now and I have a huge burst of energy. Maybe it's all in my mind, I have no idea. But I don't care as long as it works.

The bulb is user replaceable and the cord is nice and long. It's very lightweight but still sturdy. The size of the actual light screen is about that of larger paperback book but the lamp in its entirety is about a foot tall. It's flat in shape so it can sit pretty close to the wall. It's very easy to change the screens on your own. One screen has a definite bluish tint, that I didn't like. It reminded me of every government building I've ever been in. The second one is still a fluorescent, but his a whiter tint to it, which I prefer.

I've pleased with this purchase and thinking of going back and picking up another as a gift for my husband to use at work.

1.0 out of 5 stars Died out on me after 2 months. Garbage.December 1, 2013
Julie M. (Washington, DC)

I bought the HappyLight in November and was pretty happy with it, save for the little tinny noise it made. However, just this morning the lamp died out. Unfortunately for me, it happened outside of Amazon's return window, and Verilux charges the customer for shipping both ways (once to return the defective item, and once to receive the replacement) even though it's THEIR product that's defective. Now that's just bad customer service. I didn't fork over $70 for a lamp that was only going to last me 3 months, and I shouldn't have to incur any extra costs just to keep it running for as long as Verilux promised.

Thankfully, stepped in to offer me a refund. I'll be taking my money to a company that has more customer-friendly policies -- and a lamp that actually works.

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