cheap Philips Wake-up Light Therapy Plus Hf3485 White
Philips Wake-up Light Therapy Plus Hf3485 White Features
- Gradual light prepares your body to wake up
- Clinically proven to make waking up more pleasant
- Choice of fm radio, 4 natural wake-up sounds, or your own music files via usb port
- Dusk simulation helps you drift to sleep
- Safe to use and uv-free
Philips Wake-up Light Therapy Plus Hf3485 White Detail
The wake-up light plus wakes you up in a natural way, by light that increases gradually. from now on, waking up will be a pleasant experience. it makes use of a halogen lamp to wakeyou gently.
Philips Wake-up Light Therapy Plus Hf3485 White
Customer Reviews on Philips Wake-up Light Therapy Plus Hf3485 White
A bit more detail missing in other reviews, January 14, 2011
By SilverBell
There are a few more details I think that will help make the decision for/against this purchase if you are considering it:
When I was considering this and reading all the reviews, it sounded like the light alarm would not automatically turn off. I found that if I set it for a time (4 AM, so starts to ramp up at 3:30 AM) it will automatically turn the light off after 2 hours from ramp up (5:30 AM). I set my alarm to radio with sound off, so I'm not sure what happens with the sound portion if you let it run like that, so YMMV.
I had gotten the impression from another review that you had to toggle the alarm on/off every day to turn the alarm off/reset it for the following day. If you just use the off buttons on the side you don't have to do that. Since I purely use the light portion, that means just a tap on the lamp on/off button turns it off and it is still set for the next day. I would guess that if you have the sound on you would probably need to hit the sound on/off button to turn off that half of your alarm.
It isn't said anywhere that I read, but the sunset simulator portion of this isn't set to an alarm type function like the sunrise portion is. IMO this is annoying, since I planned on using it as an automatic function to make sure I went to bed at a more reasonable time. So keep in mind that if you are in it for that feature, you will have to set it every time you want to use the sunset simulation.
Those points aside, here is my main review:
I bought this since I've struggled with seasonal affective disorder. I use a regular light therapy lamp, but often find I forget to use it. This makes sure I do get my light in, regularly and early. I haven't had to struggle with the urge to sleep 24/7 at all since I started using this. Overall, a much more pleasant way to wake up.
While I was a bit put off by the price, IMO it is worth it just for the impact it has for me day to day. However, if I did it again I would probably go with the next model down (without the sunset simulator) simply because the lack of the ability to set that by alarm means I don't use it enough to be worthwhile.